Sunday, September 12, 2010

Busy Business....

We're still alive. It's been fun and challenging, yet rewarding, this homeschooling business.
The girls are learning so much. And I'm learning so much. A few more months of this, and I might have it all down.

I've recently decided that we aren't doing enough science. So, we're working on doing that more. I got a book that has different science projects for different seasons. We're going to start learning things about leaves and such. The other day we decorated a leave.. We discussed that trees were going to start changing colors.. We'll get more into the vocabulary of it soon.. It was just an intro really. This next week we'll probably start.

OH! And I'm really excited. This week we start the Preschool Co-op with some of the people from our church. It's really going to be fun! We'll each take turns teaching preschool at our homes. It is just right for the social aspect of school. I'm excited! A new little adventure in our homeschooling journey!